14 May 2024


 This was our second Inter-Divisional match of the season and it took place at Ladybank Golf Club.  Again we were blessed with good weather and it was great to see both teams on the practice areas prior to the games, following the coffee/tea and bacon rolls in the clubhouse.

The course was in very good condition with beautiful sand in the bunkers and the greens running very true, although a little slow on some occasions. There was a great amount of laughter, before and after the match with players exchanging experiences of the new season, alongside individual family chats on everything and anything.

Prior to the 2 course meal in the late afternoon, the presentation of the Trophy was made by Sal Shepherd, East Captain to Fiona Johnston, Midland Past Captain. This resulted in the Midland team retaining the silverware for another year. The result was 5.5 - 1.5.  A special thanks goes to Evelyn Hamilton who organised the whole event, exclusive of selecting the team.  It certainly was an excellent day in lovely surroundings

Elsie Hutcheson beat Barbara Biggart

Lesley Gibb beat Dianne Brown

Jude Allardice halved Marie Pollock

Morag Wardrop beat Gail Mathieson

Claire Capocci beat Sharon Lynch

Joyce Murdoch beat Louise Casey

Fiona Johnston lost Fiona Larnach.

Our best wishes go to Linda Dyball, who was originally part of team, and had to withdraw at short notice due to a hand injury.