10 May 2024


 Yesterday, 9th May 2024 saw the first of our Inter-Divisional matches of the season being held against the North Division at Strathmore Golf Club.  The weather was very kind to us, with full sunshine all day. The course was in great condition and the golf was of a very high standard, with 2 games finishing on the 17th and the rest on the 18th hole.

The morning commenced with coffee/tea and bacon rolls and prior to the tee offs, team photos were taken. A 2 course meal was provided in the clubhouse, after the matches, followed by the presentation of the trophy.

This year, The North Trophy was retained by the The North team, with a win of 4-3.

Well done to all the players to travelled to represent the Midlands and for providing entertaining golf for Linda Urquhart, the North Captain and myself.

The Midland team :- Margo Gardener, Elaine Moffat, Lorna Bennett,  Aileen Baker, Dorothy Ford, Lorna McLinlay and Hilary Scott.

The North team :- Jackie Brown, Sheena Wood, Kathleen Sutherland, Frances Miller, Jean Harrison, Fiona Hay and Kim Watt.

Our next Inter-Divisional match is against the East at Ladybank on Monday 13th May.

Fiona Johnston

Past Captain/Acting Captain