R&A Women's Senior Home Internationals - Woodhall Spa
Congratulations to Elaine Moffat who has been selected for the Women's Senior Team for the Home Internationals at Woodhall Spa from 4th to 6th August 2021. This year there is a change to format with the Girls', Boys', Women's, Women's Senior and Men's Senior Home Internationals all being played at Woodhall Spa at the same time.
- Karen Fergusson-Snedden (Mortonhall)
- Gillian Kyle (East Renfrewshire)
- Karen Marshall (Baberton)
- Elaine Moffat (St Regulus)
VLGA Jamboree - Glenbervie
Congratulations to Linda Allan, Aileen Baker and Lorna McKinlay who have been selected to represent Scotland at the VLGA Jamboree at Glenbervie from 3rd to 5th August 2021.
- Sheena Wood - Northern
- Linda Allan - Midland
- Aileen Baker - Midland
- Anne Hanson - East
- Lesley LLoyd - West
- Lorna McKinlay - Midland
- Caroline Steedman - East
- Liz Stewart - West