24 October 2019


Decibel levels rose yesterday at Dunblane New Golf Club, when fifty Midland Vets came together from the three Counties to hold their AGM and Prizegiving.
The gathering heard retiring captain Margaret deliver an eloquent account of the season's events.
There had been many highlights and in particular the standard of  golfing achievement amongst our "infant" Vets shone out. The members are truly justified in feeling proud that their Association is vibrant and overly represented at International level. Business over, Margaret presented the silver ware and vouchers, ably guided through by Treasurer Joan. The Friendship Quaich (presented in 2010) by Liz Miskimmin and played for annually between the East and Midland divisions, was welcomed back to the fold. Margaret mentioned that this trophy was held "dearly" by the Midland Vets.
The 2019 Midland Champion, Linda Dyball was presented with the Lady McInnes Shaw Cup, which commemorated the inauguration of the Midland Vets in 1950.
Linda concluded the prizegiving with a resounding vote of thanks to Margaret and all the committee.
Lunch followed accompanied with a welcome glass of wine and served by the newly installed caterers at Dunblane

Linda Dyball - Midland Vets Champion 2019