2 April 2019


SVLGA - Open Meeting 23d September and the Greensomes 24th September 2019.

The results of the draw for places are detailed below.

Midland Division has 11 allocated places,however,there are normally additional places available later from other Divisions which don't use their allocation.We will be advised of these places once all the Divisions have submitted their entries.

Margaret Tough and Winifred MacCallum
Liz Milligan and Irene Higgans
Lorna Bennett and Linda McDonald
Mary Millar and Janice Lang
Mary Hope and Gillian Wallace
Moira Lumby and Shona Leighton
Linda Dyball and Heather Anderson
Christine Steedman and Ruth McConkey
Mary Thomson and Doris Dunn
Anne Wilson and Myrtle Gilbert
Elsie Hutcheon and Marion Campbell


Waiting List in Order -

Olive O'Sullivan and Ashley Leitch
Jo Stewart and Jacqui Landsburgh
Anne MacGregor and Lyn Murray
Bev Brown and Joan Blyth

You will be e-mailed an Entry Form.Please send or e-mail it to Joan Prentice (Contact details are on the Fixture Card).
Payment can be made by cheque or by bank transfer to Sort Code: 80-91-29: Account No.: 00306303