CSS 74
The Patrick Rosebowl (Scratch)
Aileen Baker (Crail) 77
Senior Vets Trophy (65+)
Mary Thomson( Dunblane New) 88 -18 = 70
Owl Trophy (50 - 64)
Fiona de Vries (St Rule) 78 -2 = 76
Handicap Division 1
1st Aileen Baker (Crail) 77 - 5 = 72
2nd Emma Wilson (Elie) 83 - 10 = 73
3rd Mary Miller (Blairgowrie) 85 - 10 = 75
Handicap Division 2
1st Mary Thomson (Dunblane New) 88 -18 = 70
2nd Sheila Hartley (Braehead) 88 -16 = 72
3rd Fiona Campbell (Stirling) 16 - 16 = 73
Handicap Division 3
1st Pat Cockshoot (Stirling) 107 - 30 = 77
2nd Sylvia Mitchell (Murrayshall) 99 - 21 = 78
The AGM is at Glenbervie Golf Club on Wednesday 18th October at 11.30am. Details to follow.