16 June 2024


 Entry is now open for the Summer Meeting and the Championship at The Bruce Kinross Golf Club on Monday 15th July 2024.

We will be playing for the Donaldson Quaich (Best Nett) and the Poppy Paperweight (70+)

The Trophy for the Championship is the Lady McInnes Shaw Cup

The top 8 Scratch scores qualify for the Championship.  The Quarter-finals are played in the afternoon of the 15th July and the Semi-final and Final on the 16th July 2024.

Please Click null for the online Entry Form. Enter your details on the Form and then click "Submit."

Entries must be accompanied by payment of the entry fee of £25.00. Payment can be by BACS or cheque, (see Form for more details}.

Note the meeting is in Handicap Order, so we can not accommodate travel arrangement requests.

The closing date for entries is 5th July 2024.

If the event is oversubscribed, places will be determined by the earliest date of paid entries received.

The Convenor for the competition is Fiona Johnston. Any questions please contact Fiona (email :-               johnstonf60@gmail.com. Tel 07759947227.

Fiona Johnston

Past Captain/Acting Captain