5 May 2022


The SVLGA Midland Division played the East Division at Ladybank Golf Course today.   Luckily the chilly overcast start developed into a lovely warm afternoon.   The players headed out in friendship but every match was keenly contested.   The overall result was the same as last year, a halved match, and the Liz Miskimmin Friendship Quaich was brought back to the Midland Division for another year.   Well Done Everyone!

Red squirrels were spotted on the course and the clubhouse catering, before and after the match, was excellent.


Margaret Tough beat Lesley Johnston

Linda Dyball beat Barbara Biggart

Dorothy Ford beat Mairi Pollock

Fiona Johnston halved with Anne Brownie

Shelagh Quinn lost to Dulcie Barnes

Trichia Chillas lost to Louise Casey

Joyce Murdoch lost to Jenni Ray

The winning Midland Team:

Back Row:  Margaret Tough, Linda Dyball, Shelagh Quinn, Dorothy Ford

Front Row:   Fiona Johnston, Pat Bow (Captain), Tricia Chillas, Joyce Murdoch

Margaret Tough and Lesley Johnston

Barbara Biggart and Linda Dyball

Dorothy Ford and Mairi Pollock

Fiona Johnston and Anne Brownie

Dulcie Barnes and Shelagh Quinn


Tricia Chillas and Louise Casey

Jenni Ray and Joyce Murdoch

Pat Bow (Captain) with the Liz Miskimmin Friendship Quaich

Midland and East Teams