27 March 2025

Celebrating 75 years of Womens Senior Golf - Press Coverage

 To mark the Association's 75th anniversary two press releases were prepared and rolled out.  One showcasing the SSWGA,  international matches and jamboree and the other the Midlands Division.

Martine Dempster of the Scotsman ran an onlince article. Link is below.


and Nick McGruire of the Herald also ran quite a large article.


 It was also picked up by Fife Free Press.

We hope that you feel they have both done justice to Senior Womens Golf.



15 March 2025


Spring Meeting - Crail Golfing Society - Craighead -  Tues 15th April 2025

 The Entry Sheet is Opens for the Spring Meeting at Crail Golfing Society on Tuesday 15th April 2025.

Please click here for the online entry form.  Enter your details on the form and click "Submit".

Entries must be accompanied by payment of the entry fee of £30.00.  Payment is either by BACS or Cheque, (see form for more details.)

The closing date for entries is 31st March 2025.

The Convenor for this Competition is Anne MacGregor.  Any questions please don't hesitate to contact Anne.

E-mail:svlgaweb.midland@gmail.com Tel. 07526702762

12 February 2025

 I am delighted to inform you that three of our members have been selected to play for Scotland against Ireland at Bruntsfield Golf Club on the 6&7th of April. 

Congratulations, Elaine Moffat, St Regulus Golf Club,  Margo Gardner, West Lothian Golf Club and Alison Davidson, Stirling Golf Club.

I am sure you will join me in wishing them the very best of luck for their matches. I'm sure they would appreciate your support if you are able to go on either / both days. 

Morag Wardrop


30 January 2025

Reminder about Subscription Renewal.


Just a wee reminder that your subscription of £20 for your SVLGA  membership is due by the end of February.  

Payment can be made by Bank Transfer to Bank of Scotland  Sort Code : 809129  Account : 00306303

Please put your name and post code in the referral.


by Cheque payable to SVLGA(Midland Division) and send to the treasurer, Elaine Moffat, 28 Claybraes, St Andrews, KY16 8RS.

For those Ladies who have already paid - thank you.  We will be in touch when the Crail entry sheet is opened.

If anyone has changed their phone number or e-mail address in the last year, could you please let me know at svlgaweb@gmail.com  

Thank you.

16 January 2025


75 years ago, the Scottish Veterans Ladies Golf Association was founded in 1950 by Miss Charlotte Lyon, an Honorary Life President of Aberdeen Ladies, and has continued to thrive ever since. 

In 2023 the English VLGA wanted to change the name from Veteran Ladies to Senior Women because they felt Veterans gave the wrong impression on how they were perceived in the golfing community in today’s modern world.  

Following VLGA’s decision, the SVLGA discussed a change of name from Scottish Veterans Ladies Golf Association to Scottish Senior Women’s Golf Association, at the Annual General Meeting in September 2024 where a vote taken was in favour of the change. 

The Association will now be known as SSWGA and our division will be known as SSWGA.Midlands.  The other 7 divisions will adopt a similar format.

Although we are a bit behind the other divisions in making the change, over the coming weeks you will begin to see the name changed on the Blog and various other pieces of communication. 

The name may have changed but the friendly welcoming like minded women who make up our membership will always remain the same.

3 January 2025

 Happy New Year to one and all.   We hope you are gearing up for a busy golfing season

Annual Subscriptions for 2025

The annual subscription as agreed at the Annual General Meeting for 2025 is £20 and is due to be paid by the end of February 2025.  If you are paying by BACS transfer please ensure you include your name and post code in the reference area.  

 Pay £20 by BACS (Bank of Scotland) Account No:  00306303 Sort Code:  80 91 29

Pay £20 by cheque and post to Midland Vets Treasurer:  Elaine Moffat, 28 Claybraes, St Andrews, KY16 8RS

Dates for your Diaries

We have some exciting courses for our various meetings this year :-

Spring Meeting - Tuesday 15th April                Crail Golf Club

Summer Meeting and Championship                Muckhart Golf Club

Thursday 12th June (Qualifier and 1/4 final) & Friday 13th June  (Semi Finals and Final)  

Summer Meeting - Monday 11th August           Auchterarder Golf Club

Autumn Meeting - Thursday 11th September    Alyth Golf Club     

Details can also be found on the left hand side of the website on the Competitions Venues page.      

New Members

If you know of anyone in your Club who is not a member of the Association but would enjoy playing golf on some super courses with like minded ladies, please encourage them to check out the website and complete the application form.  We have currently suspended the joining fee, so only the annual subscription fee to pay.