This year Margaret Tough will succeed Lorna Bennett as Captain, and Margaret is actively seeking a Vice-Captain, who, according to the Constitution, must be elected from P & K.
Lyn Fleming retires from office as representative for Stirling and Clackmannan, after 3 years in office, and I retire as Secretary, having completed my 3 year term in office.
So, are there ladies out there prepared to come on committee and take over these positions? I have written up a sort of Job Description for the position of Secretary, which you can read below. All venues for 2019 are already booked, and anyone taking on the post will have loads of help and support. Do please think about this and advise our Captain, Lorna Bennett, if you are interested in joining the Committee. If you would like to phone me, to discuss the role, I will be happy to help.

Maintain Membership list at agreed numbers. Keep members details up to date
Applications for Membership - acknowledge receipt of forms, add to waiting list, usually done by email. Resignations come at the beginning of the year. When places become available, write to applicants to offer a place. If accepted, send out a Welcome letter, Fixture List and details of how to pay subscription.
As subscriptions come in (payment being made online, by cheque or cash at the AGM to the Treasurer) liase with the Treasurer to keep Membership renewals updated.
Competition Venues
Each area of Midland Vets Division should, if possible, host one Meeting per year, and one area will have two. There is a list of past courses and dates played in the files. Members will suggest venues for 2020 at the AGM, the Committee will discuss these, with the Captain having the final say.
Start booking the courses for 2020 in Spring/Summer 2019, by that time Clubs have their 2020 Fixture Lists and dates in place. Details of what we pay, times requested, etc are all in the files.
We play 3 Divisional Matches a year against North, East and West. The Captain organises these, she books the venues, picks the Team and does a report for the Blog. Assist if required.
Fixture Card
Prepare a draft of the Fixture Card and order printing. For the past few years we have used online printer Solo Press. There is a file on how to do this in the main files. If you prefer, you can use another printer.
In recent years we have posted out the bulk of the Fixture cards in January, some can be taken by committee to deliver to Clubs, but with our area being wide, and people living in smaller towns/farms, we have posted out, it also avoids Fixture Cards lying around Locker Rooms for weeks.
We have a database of Members' names and addresses, and a supply of address labels, these can be run off on computer. Buy stamps and envelopes as required, claim all expenses from the Treasurer.
Keep Midland Vets web-site up-to-date with news, competition draws, results, etc
There are 4 Meetings a year, each Meeting has a Convener, she handles the entries, payments, & Draw. Scoring for these competitions is done on the Vets computer. It is not difficult! The results are then published on HandicapMaster and automatically sent to CDH.
Members can access Master scoreboard on the web-site, to see full results of Meetings.
Our computer
We have an excellent HP computer where all our files are held and which we use for scoring. Software for Master Scoreboard is loaded on our computer and each year we are given a code by the SVLGA, who hold the license. Committee members can access the files by signing in.
AGM & Prize-giving
The AGM is held in October and rotates between each area. A list of past venues is in the files. Liase with the venue re price, arrangements for Meeting, lunch, etc. 2020 AGM will be S & C.
Ensure all trophies are collected and engraved in time for the AGM. A Committee member can do this.
Liase with the Treasurer re Prize-Vouchers. The Treasurer orders and fills out Vouchers.
SVLGA Championships at Blairgowrie
There is a separate file on this event in the main files. Main job is to organise the ballot of entries
P.S As Secretary you have an automatic entry for you and your partner, for your 3 year term of office!