Sheena Wood (Aberdeen Ladies) is the 2017 Scottish Vets Champion.
Yesterday she won 4 & 3 over Jennifer Bryans (Turnhouse) in the
afternoon's final, played on the Lansdowne course. The day was dominated
by the heavy rain which had fallen relentlessly during the night and
continued well into the morning. The semi-finals eventually got
underway, albeit in very soggy conditions.
Sheena Wood (North) beat Mary Smith (Highland) 3 and 2
Jennifer Bryans (East) beat Margt Locke (Dumfries & Galloway) 5 and 3
Wood beat Bryans 4 and 3

There was great success for Midland member Heather Anderson in the Patrick Rosebowl.... she won the Lyon Picture (scratch) with a 78. Heather also won the Allen Plate (Scratch) and the Buchanan Plate (1st Handicap) with a 73 in the 65 - 69 years Category
• And ... Midland member Linda McDonald won the Wee Course Competition!