The Midland AGM and Prize Giving took place at Stirling Golf Club today. Fifty-four ladies turned up for the event and were graciously welcomed by Captain Liz Fertacz. After the election of office bearers, the new Captain, Bev Brown took over the proceedings. The out going Treasurer Liz Jones was commended for her many years hard work and was presented by Liz Fertacz with a beautiful bouquet of flowers as thanks and recognition for her work. Bev introduced Shelagh Quinn of Stirling Golf Club as her new Vice Captain and Meriel Walker from Blairgowrie Golf Club as the new Treasurer. Joan Ritchie from Elie stepped down as a committee member and Anne Wilson of Ladybank was elected to take over from her. The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Tough who filled in for Midland Champion Lorna Bennett who was away doing golf duties in Bulgaria. After the Prize Giving, everyone enjoyed a tasty lunch provided by Stirling Golf Club and the chance to catch up with fellow members.
Midland Committee: From Left to right, Linda McAinsh,
Meriel Walker (Hon. Treasurer), Captain Bev Brown,Vice Captain Shelagh Quinn, Sandy Bushby(Honorary Secretary) and Liz Milligan. |
Liz Fertacz presents Liz Jones with the bouquet of flowers. |
Trophy winners from left to right: Irene Morrison, Emma Wilson, Margaret Hunter, Shelagh Travers and Elaine Allison. |
Liz Fertacz presents Gillian Wallace with her trophy before she flew off to sunnier climes. |